September 21st, 2015
Several things were tried during the constitutional developing phase. The process that began seven decades ago through constitutional law had participation from representatives elected by Nepali people since a decade. Breaking all the pressures and doubts, on September 18 CA members signed the copy of the constitution which was authenticated by CA chairperson. This way the wish of Nepali people to have constitution signed by their representatives has been fulfilled. Especially, the political transition lingered since 2006 is ending today. The sovereign CA will meet today, in the evening of September 20, 2015, for the last time and promulgate the Constitution of Nepal.
From almost seven decades we were waiting for this day – the day to promulgate the constitution written by representatives themselves elected by Nepali people. Today the wait is over.
Six years ago a similar day had almost approached but vanished. The demon of uncompromising spirit for gaining all the rights at once did not allow the first CA to look for a minimum compromising point. “It’s now or never” view led to loss of the achievement – we lost the bird in hand while trying to get two from bush.
The second election of CA tried to bring the Nepali political situation on track which almost met with an accident. Standing on the change in balance of power from second election of CA, CPN – UML Chairman K.P. Sharma Oli frequently said this CA will not have same fate as the first CA. It will not return home defeated.
Today that declaration has been proved correct. Taking ownership of the works done by previous CA this CA completed the task.
Several things were tried during the constitutional developing phase. The process that began seven decades ago through constitutional law had participation from representatives elected by Nepali people since a decade. Breaking all the pressures and doubts, on September 18 CA members signed the copy of the constitution which was authenticated by CA chairperson. This way the wish of Nepali people to have constitution signed by their representatives has been fulfilled. Especially, the political transition lingered since 2006 is ending today. The sovereign CA will meet today, in the evening of September 20, 2015, for the last time and promulgate the Constitution of Nepal.
This has institutionalised the achievements from struggles and peoples movements so far. I, on behalf of the GEFONT affiliated almost 4 hundred thousand members, congratulate all on this happy occasion. I would like to pay tribute to all martyrs who sacrifice their life in this campaign.
I would like to express happiness to Nepali people for the successful completion of a political mission on this historical moment of beginning the country’s journey towards prosperity.
The CA proportionately represents women, dalits, aboriginal/ethnic community, Madhesi, Tharu, Muslim, backward class of all strata along with all religious and cultural minorities and Khas – Arya population. Therefore, Constitution of Nepal formulated, in terms of process is participatory and the most inclusive. The constitution which has adopted democracy, federalism and multi party competition is the most progressive constitution so far- written in democratic structure and enshrined aspiration to some extent of people from all strata. The constitution has, as per the will of people, transformed the country from unitary setup to federal structure.
A constitution is a political document based on agreement of the immediate balance of power. Therefore, no constitution is cent per cent complain free. In some parts of the country there is dissatisfaction especially over the delineation of states. The sovereign CA has left out some of the important agenda of our confederation and trade union movement. We expect to correct this move with time. This constitution is the foundation to move forward. Based on this base we hope our agenda will be addressed with due time. Therefore we want to remind the dissatisfied groups that we can continue our struggle to make our demands heard from the CA transformed into legislature parliament. The demands from dissatisfied groups are especially political in nature so we request concerned authority to address the just, relevant and logical grievances through dialogue.
We thank all the political parties in CA and outside, and CA members for bringing the struggle since three generation into a conclusion. We thank the working class, people in general, people’s organisations and civil society for helping in every way they can to write and promulgate this constitution.
The new constitution is ours, we have ownership over it. Therefore, we heartily welcome the new constitution. We appeal all our members, supporters and well wishers to light candles at home nationwide. We direct all members to participate in the all parties victory rally jointly bearing the identity.
Bishnu Rimal
President, GEFONT
September 20, 2015