October 29th, 2015
I hereby would like to congratulate President-elect Rt Hon’able Bidhya Devi Bhandary behalf GEFONT and nearly 400,000 its members in this occasion. We congratulate and thank her party- the CPN UML, parties in the ruling coalition including the UCPN-Maoist for their right selection. … We believe, her election is one of the indication- that no one would undermine trade union background, rather it is a solid base to lead people and the nation. From her election, entire Nepali working class is feeling a proudness. In this context, as the president of JTUCC (Joint Trade Union Coordination Centre) and its above 2 million members, I heartly congratulate once again Rt. Hon’able president Bidhya Devi Bhandari.
History has take a turn; or say the history has set a new chapter! After promulgation of New Constitution Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal has got her First President, the first ever Female in terms of gender! On May 30, 2006 reinstated dissolved parliament- the House of Representatives had unaniimously adopted a resolution of commitemnt; with a provision of 33% women representation in all State bodies including political parties, new provision to provide citizenship for children in mother’s refenrence instead of existing only of father, amendment of all discriminatory laws against woman and end of violence against women. Many of us may had assumed alas- would it be happen really?! But during the election of 1st Constituent Assembly election of 2009, the provision of 33% implemented effectively. The discriminatory laws began to repeal or amended. Every body acknowledged such positivite change to the resolution of commitment adopted by the parliament. And we are proud to mention that this was tabled in the parliament by none by other, the then UML law maker – Comrade Bidhya Devi Bhandary! The same Cde Bhandary has been elected as the first President after promulagation of New Constitution and first Female president of the country. She is taking oath of high office today.
I hereby would like to congratulate President-elect Rt Hon’able Bidhya Devi Bhandary behalf GEFONT and nearly 400,000 its members in this occasion. We congratulate and thank her party- the CPN UML, parties in the ruling coalition including the UCPN-Maoist for their right selection.
The GEFONT is proud to note that Rt. Hon’able Bhandary who was Head of GEFONT CWWD (Central Woman Worker Department) is elected now Head of our beloved country. Her role in seven years tenure (May 1993-April 2000) in order to promote gender equality and its mainstreaming in the trade union will be remarkable for her co-member in the then leadership. Her role to promote trade union leadership as one of the trainers in GEFONT unique trade union education campaign- TRUE Campaign was undoubtly inspiring. We believe, her election is one of the indication- that no one would undermine trade union background, rather it is a solid base to lead people and the nation. From her election, entire Nepali working class is feeling a proudness.
In this context, as the president of JTUCC (Joint Trade Union Coordination Centre) and its above 2 million members, I heartly congratulate once again Rt. Hon’able president Bidhya Devi Bhandari.
We believe new president would be able to executve the new constitution effectively, cementing national harmony and unity, soverigntiy and national integrity today’s challenging context.
Let me wish every success of her tenure!
Bishnu Rimal
October 29, 2015