

BN° 005

One Day after Prez election

Why I am writinting this blog then? Neither I am a candidate nor the candidate of my parties? Is there any reason? Yes, I am one of the voters out of 601 (currently 594) of the presidential election and I was also one who insist our partiy to join this alliance while Maoist betray us terribly.”

July 20 (2008)- Today, in two reasons I found importance-i) 19 years before today we had gave birth GEFONT in a secret place of Kathamndu Lagan-I was named the General Secretary. It was a historical turn in my carier, which gave me a never erasing title- a trade unionist! ii) Today is the second of historical election of First president and vice president of FDR Nepal– we won the post Vice-Prez from our alliance (the UML-NC-MJF). However, we have hang-on on the election of Prez- Our candiate Dr. Ram Baran Yadav (the GS of NC) got 283 vote against 270 of Ram Raja Prasad Sing of Maoist camp. To win the race one should have 298 votes… tomorrow morning second round election will take place.

This entry was posted on Sunday, July 20th, 2008 at 2:25 am and is filed under Political event  in my previous blogsite

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