

BN° 003

A lovely dinner with Prof. Mathur

Intersting! they are not happy with our national policy because we are with poupular left movement, they are unhappy with us beacause our international affilation is more broad-based. What a princile our comrades are following?!

July 12 (2008)- Last night I was too exhuausted, there was two reasons-i) unity talks with CoNEP was disturbing. Comrades had “strange” positon. They were saying- they have problem with gefont becuse its image is more Communistic. They have leaders in some affiliates who are folowers of Nepali Congress. At the same time they have pronblem with GEFONT because its international affiliation is more broad-based, not as communist. CoNEP’s claim is they are with WFTU which is communist organisation.

I was too wet due to heavy rain during my return. However, it is too exciting event for me after that one professor Ajit Mathur organised a lovely dinner honouring me and Bind being a CA member. Great! such celebration even we didn’t organise in our home.

1 cooment so far-

 Mottritegex says:

Very nice!!

This entry was posted on Saturday, July 12th, 2008 at 10:33 am and is filed under Social event  in my previous blogsite

Posted in Personal Thoughts | 1 Comment »

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