

BN° 003

A lovely dinner with Prof. Mathur

Intersting! they are not happy with our national policy because we are with poupular left movement, they are unhappy with us beacause our international affilation is more broad-based. What a princile our comrades are following?!

July 12 (2008)- Last night I was too exhuausted, there was two reasons-i) unity talks with CoNEP was disturbing. Comrades had “strange” positon. They were saying- they have problem with gefont becuse its image is more Communistic. They have leaders in some affiliates who are folowers of Nepali Congress. At the same time they have pronblem with GEFONT because its international affiliation is more broad-based, not as communist. CoNEP’s claim is they are with WFTU which is communist organisation. Read More…

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BN° 002

A Dangerous event in CA

Madhesi Parties were interested to insert a word- Swayatta Madhes Prades or autonomous Madhes province without specifying geography; they were further wanting to recruit Madhesi in group into the National Army.

July 9 (2008)- It was almost midnight I reached to my home completing business in the Constituent Assembly today. The house was stalled since 15 days, the reason was Madhesi parties were asking proper wording during 5th amendment in the constitution. There was two major demands- i) make whole plain areas covering 22 districts a autonomous province known as Madhes and; ii) recruit madhesi in group in National Army. It was bit problematic for other political parties particularly the UML from which I represent in the CA. Thus, the Madhesi parties just made picketing in the rostrum of CA. Read More…

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BN° 001

July 6 (2008)- Com. Funny Mainali, the driver and the President of GEFONT Employee assocition today organised matrimony of his dauter- Apsara. I was among the one “guest”. The guy younger than me became father-in-law, that makes fun to me. Thus I put heading as Funny Became Father in Law in my first blog.

I started bloging since July 2008. This entry was posted on Sunday, July 6th, 2008 at 10:15 am at my the then blog-sit: I have decided to keep un-updated this blog after incliding blog at this personal website.

1 cooment so far-
Bijaya Sharma says:
July 6, 2008 at 10:31 am

It’s not so serious event!

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